ELEN Press Releases
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe celebrates 25th anniversary of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) on Thursday (27th April) with a hearing featuring the PACE President, Council of Europe DG Democracy and Human Rights,...
UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues highlights lack of progress in minority rights and need for new UN Convention.
UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, Fernand de Varennes, made his final report to the UN The Human Rights Council on Thursday (March 23rd). Noting the overall lack of progress and backsliding in minority protection globally since the 1992 Declaration on...
UN Forum on Minority Issues: Review, Rethink, Reform.
The UN Forum for Minorities celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of Minorities in December in Geneva on the theme "Review. Rethink. Reform." ELEN President Elin Haf Gruffudd Jones spoke at an official side event organised by the Catalan...
The ELEN General Assembly Caerdydd 2022 broke new ground this year with a record number of participants, a new format which helped to highlight the various challenges facing European lesser-used languages today, as well as having full support from the Welsh Government...
Cynulliad Cyffredinol ELEN Caerdydd 2022: cadw Cymru ynghwlm ag Ewrop.
Bydd ELEN, sef The European Language Equality Network, prif fudiad Ewrop ar gyfer gwarchod a hyrwyddo ieithoedd lleiafrifol, yn cynnal Cynulliad Cyffredinol yng Nghaerdydd ddiwedd mis Hydref. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gefnogi gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Phrifysgol Cymru...
ELEN General Assembly Caerdydd 2022: keeping Wales connected to Europe.
The European Language Equality Network (ELEN), Europe’s leading organisation for the protection and promotion of lesser-used languages, will be holding its General Assembly in Cardiff at the end of October. The event will be hosted by the Llywodraeth Cymru (Welsh...
UN Special Procedures issues official communication to France over discrimination against territorial languages, following ELEN complaint.
UN Special Procedures have issued an official communication to the French state noting their concerns over discrimination against territorial languages following the Constitutional Court’s intervention against the Molac Law in July 2021. The Communication is a...
University of Valencia – ELEN Summer School: “Minority Languages: Rights and Practices” 18-22nd July, Gandia, País Valencià.
The Summer School "Minority Languages: Rights and Practices" will be held in the University of Valencia campus in Gandia, Pais Valencia, from Monday 18th July to Friday 22nd July. It features a packed programme opening with UN Special Rapporteur for Minorities, Dr....
Our languages in Europe: ELEN Recommendations to the Conference on the Future of Europe.
The European Language Equality Network has made eight recommendations to the Conference on the Future of Europe on how to improve the situation for European minoritised languages, many of which face critical endangerment. The recommendations were discussed with MEPs...
ELEN statement regarding the Spanish Supreme Court ruling against Catalan-medium education.
(Catalan version below) The European Language Equality Network, the international organization for the protection, promotion and well-being of territorial and endangered European languages, strongly condemns the Supreme Court decision against Catalan-medium education...
ELEN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2021, Santiago de Compostela, Galiza, Report.
ELEN elects new President and Steering Committee. Calls for repeal of 2010 plurilingualism law; equality for Galician, Basque and Catalan in new audiovisual law; that Galician-medium education be provided at all levels of education; notes general failure of the EU to...
President of Galician Parliament opens ELEN General Assembly in Compostela with event featuring Galician singer Guadi Galego.
The President of the Galician Parliament, Miguel Santalices Vieira, opened the ELEN General Assembly in Santiago de Compostela on Friday with a packed event held in the splendid surroundings of the Pazo de Fonseca, and featuring the Galician pop singer Guadi Galego....