Liadh Ni Riada MEP
Liadh chairing the debate at the ELEN Hearing on language discrimination in the European Parliament
Jordi Sebastia MEP
Jordi Sebastia MEP discussing language discrimination at the ELEN European Parliament Hearing.
Ar Redadeg 2016
Ar Redadeg 2016, the sponsored run symbolising Breton language transmission. April 2016
LIBE Committee
The first (historic) LIBE Committee hearing on language discrimination (March 17th 2016), with Marga Payola (Plataforma), Josep-Maria Terricabras MEP (ERC/EFA), Ramon Tremosa MEP (Convergencia/ALDE), Josu Juaristi (EH Bildu/GUE-NGL), Marina Albiol (Izquierda Unida/GUE-NGL), Davyth Hicks (ELEN), Jordi Sebastia (Compromis/ EFA)
El Punt Avui TV
El Punt Avui TV round table with Davyth Hicks (ELEN) and Oscar Escuder (Plataforma per la Llengua), November 2015
RML seminar
RML seminar with Luca Tomasi (EU Commission), Josu Juaristi MEP, Davyth Hicks (ELEN) November 2015
Paul Bilbao-Sarria
Paul Bilbao-Sarria promoting the Protocol for Language Rights to Flemish NGOs, with Karel Sterckx and Davyth Hicks
Some of the delegates at the ELEN General Assembly 2015 in Bucharest hosted by the Council of Armans
Robyn Farrar
Robyn Farrar (Cymdeithas Yr Iaith Gymraeg) addresses the ELEN General Assembly 2015, in Bucharest.
Ferran Suay
Ferran Suay addresses the UN Human Rights Council on language discrimination against Catalan, Basque, Galician, Asturian and Aragonese in the Spanish state, with Marcos Maceira, Rosa de les Neus Marco, Marga Payola, Inaciu Galan and Maria-Luisa Bordallo-Presa. June 2015
ELEN delegation at the UN
ELEN delegation at the UN Human Rights Council over linguistic discrimination against Catalan, Basque, Galician, Asturian and Aragonese. Calling for measures from Spain, the EU, and the UN, to end this form of discrimination.#HRC29 L-R: Marcos Maceira Eiras (A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística), Ferran Suay (Acció Cultural del País Valencia), Rosa de les Neus Marco (Plataforma per la Llengua), Inaciu Galán (Iniciativa pol Asturianu), Maria-Luisa Bordallo-Presa (Iniciativa pol Asturianu), Marga Payola (Plataforma per la Llengua). Picture Anton Escuredo. June 2015
ELEN Steering Committee
ELEN Steering Committee Mainz April 2015, campaigning for an Irish language act, Acht Anois
The launch of the Protocol for Language Rights
The launch of the Protocol for Language Rights with ELEN, Linguapax, ECMI, International Pen, Ciemen, Kontseilua and UNPO. March 2015
ELEN delegation
ELEN delegation at the UN UPR to present the Report on language discrimination in the Spanish state. January 2015