Jul 13, 2020 | Language Projects |
The first language assertiveness training for trainers was held in Fryslân in the small village of Boksum in early July. Six participants from different backgrounds, in language teaching, communication, cultural anthropology and coaching, attended the training. They...
Apr 28, 2020 | Language Projects |
One of the aims of the Listen project is to teach the concept of language assertiveness to speakers of co-official, endangered, indigenous, ‘regional’ and minority languages (RMLs). The Listen project will train people to express themselves in their own language...
Sep 25, 2019 | Language Projects |
Over the past two years ELEN has been a partner in an EU-funded Erasmus + project called the INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGY FOR INCLUSION THROUGH MINORITY LANGUAGES (Innolang). The project was led by Acció Cultural del País Valencià, with our partners Iaith,...
Jun 28, 2018 | Language Projects |
The “Territorial Languages as a Employability Tool for Adults” project, a.k.a. “Lang4Jobs”, is a strategic network of educational organisations working with ELEN that are aiming to increase employability and the inclusion of adults with the combined use of...
Dec 5, 2017 | Language Projects |
ELEN es complau a anunciar que treballa conjuntament amb la Generalitat Valenciana Conselleria d’Educació, Recerca, Cultura i Esport sobre projectes per desenvolupar el valencià, el multilingüisme i la diversitat lingüística, com demostra la participació en...
May 24, 2016 | Language Projects |
The Donostia Protocol to ensure language rights is one of ELEN’s flagship projects. The project was led by the Secretary-General of Kontseilua and ELEN Vice-President Paul Bilbao. The Protocol is a standard-setting tool written with input from ELEN member...