ELEN in the news
La vulneració dels drets lingüístics dels catalanoparlants arriba a Europa
Eurodiputats demanen a la Comissió Europea que expedienti Espanya per discriminació lingüística
Common front against language discrimination in the Justice Committee of the European Parliament
Full video online of the European Parliament’s first ever debate on language discrimination in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE)
Full video online of the European Parliament's first ever debate on language discrimination in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) on March 17th, from 10:51:47 to 11.35.50. It starts with the ELEN presentation by Davyth Hicks followed by...
Towards Openly Multilingual Policies and PracticesAssessing Minority Language Maintenance Across Europe
Interview with Marina Albiol MEP on language discrimination
Marina Albiol: ‘S’ha de fomentar que la gent denuncie les discriminacions lingüístiques’ http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/marina-albiol-jo-he-patit-discriminacio-linguistica/?f=rel
The Language Protocol project to ensure linguistic rights and protect language diversity
Regional- und Minderheitensprachen brauchen besseren Zugang zur digitalen Welt
El Consell d’Europa critica Espanya per l’incompliment de la Carta Europea de les Llengües Regionals o Minoritàries (CELRM)
Lezenn war ar yezhoù rannvroel | Ul lizher sinet gant 60 kevredigezh kaset d’an deputeed
Behatokiaren gomendioak berretsi ditu Europako Kontseiluak
O Consello de Europa volve pedir á Xunta que impulse máis o galego no ensino