The European Language Equality Network (ELEN) Steering Committee are set to meet in Valencia from 9th to 10th June starting with a reception on Friday where ELEN will be officially received by the President of the Valencian Parliament in the Corts Valencianes.

At 19.00 there will be a public presentation of ELEN with Ferran Suay (President) and Davyth Hicks (Secretary-General), followed by a presentation on the Donostia Protocol to ensure language rights with ELEN Vice-President Paul Bilbao-Sarria (Kontseilua). The event will be hosted by Acció Cultural del País Valencià (ACPV) and held in the Octubre Centre, Carrer de Sant Ferran 12, and gives the opportunity for Valencian civil society organisations to learn more about the Protocol and ELEN. All are welcome.


On Saturday morning (10/6), starting at 9.15 in the Octubre Centre, ELEN will welcome several speakers who will make public presentations on: ‘Minoritised language discrimination in Europe’, with Marina Albiol Guzmán MEP; ‘The current situation of the Asturian language’, with Prof. Fernando Padilla (Director General Language Policies of Asturies); ‘The road to language equality at the university’, with Prof. Rafael Castelló (Director of the Lingüístic Policies Services, Universitat de València).

The public session concludes with a presentation on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) with Sixto Molina, Council of Europe, ECRML Head of Secretariat. It will be followed by the closed working session of the ELEN Steering Committee.

In his article in Diari El Veu, ELEN President Ferran Suay stressed the importance to hosts ACPV of minoritised language organisations and communities working together at the local and international level to achieve shared objectives on language rights and revitalization.

ELEN is the Europe-wide civil society organization working for the protection and promotion of European minoritised and endangered languages. To date it represents 44 lesser-used languages with 150 member organisations in 22 European states.

The hashtag for the events for social media followers is #ELEN2017.


València es converteix en la capital de llengues minoritzades amb la visita d’ELEN


Igualtat lingüística a Europa

El Comité de Direcció d’ELEN visita València convidat per ACPV