European Language Equality Network
The civil society organisation for the protection and promotion of European regional, minority, endangered, indigenous, co-official and smaller national languages.ELEN Press Releases
UN Forum for Minority Issues: packed ELEN-ECMI side-event addresses concerns over minoritized language media
The European Language Equality Network, the international civil society organization working for the protection of European minoritized and endangered languages, held a side-event with the European Centre for Minority Issues on minoritized language media at last...
UN Forum for Minority Issues: ELEN calls for new UN Convention to protect minoritized, endangered and indigenous languages.
The European Language Equality Network, the international civil society organization working for the protection of European indigenous minoritised languages, has called for a new UN Convention to protect minoritised languages amidst an exponential rise in hate-speech...
ELEN Batzar Orokorra – General Assembly BILBO 2024.
Language activist organizations from across Europe gathered in the Basque Country for the ELEN General Assembly 2024, Europe’s main event for NGOs working for the protection and promotion of European minoritized languages. The European Language Equality Network (ELEN)...